bilingual method of teaching

                               During teaching, it was felt that sometimes use of mother tongue becomes necessary. Therefore it was recommended that a modified method be used in which mother tongue may be used when necessary. This modified method is known as bilingual method. In this method, mother tongue is used to learn the target language. Even though the use of mother tongue is allowed, it is strictly controlled and limited to concept translation.

                                       Bilingual method is a method in which two languages i.e, the language to be learnt and the mother tongue are used. In this method, mother tongue is used to learn the target language. The bilingual method is a recent method proposed by C.J.Dodson of Wales. In this method, mother tongue is used to achieve the target of English language. The word bilingual applies to the person who knows atleast two languages. That is, mother tongue language as well as target language. In this method, the teacher uses mother tongue only for explaining the meaning of difficult words, and thus mother tongue is used only when necessary.       

                                     Prof.C.J.Dodson, of the university college of Wales conducted experiments on the use of bilingual method. Inspired by this, Prof.H.N.L.Sastri of the methods department, Central Institute of English in Hyderabad conducted a similar experiment in a school in Hyderabad. The students of class fourth were divided into two groups- the bilingual method group (experimental group) and the direct method group (control group). Prof.Sastri himself taught both the sections for a month and tested their achievements. He found out that the direct method is time consuming and he is not sure whether the pupils understood the right meaning or not. But the task of teaching became very easy, when he used mother tongue to the experimental group (bilingual method group) and they had greater practice and ease in speaking correct English than the control group. Finally the average score of the experimental group was 64% against 52% of the control group.

                                     The characteristic principles of bilingual method are as follows.
Ø Permits the use of  language
                           Bilingual method permits the use of first language, to convey the meaning of words, sentences and idioms to the learner. Mother tongue is not used all the time but for a limited purpose.

Ø Teacher is not required to make situation
                          The use of mother tongue saves the teachers from creating a artificial situation for making the meaning of English sentences and words clear to the students. The teacher is not required to create situations for this purpose.

Ø More time for practice
                         The time saved from creating situations for teaching sentences and words of a foreign language can be used for giving more pattern practice to the students.
Some other characteristics are:
v  Rigorous practice is undertaken in sentence patterns.
v  In this method, only teacher uses mother tongue whenever necessary. Pupils only practice patterns in English.
v  After explanation, practice is done without the help of mother tongue.
                                   In the bilingual method, a lesson includes three stages of teaching.
                               I.             Starting with the reproduction of a basic language.
                            II.            Moving on to the variation and recombination of the basic sentences.

                         III.            Application of the previous dialogues in a new communicative work.

    Well ordered activities in the bilingual method take the students up to a conversational level in the shortest possible time.
                                              Some of the advantages claimed on behalf of the bilingual method are as follows;
Ø It saves time
                             In this method, the teacher is saved from the botheration of creating situations in order to convey the meaning of difficult words and phrases in English. Instead he explains the meaning in the mother tongue to the students. In this way, the time is saved to provide pattern practice to the students.

Ø This method ensures accuracy
                              The meaning of English sentences and words explained in mother tongue become clear to the students. So, it becomes easier for them. And thus, this method leads to accuracy in learning.

Ø It ensures accuracy
             Through an experiment in bilingual method at the Central institute of English and foreign language at Hyderabad, it has been shown that students taught the bilingual method were not only more fluent in spoken English; they score higher marks in English than that of other students.
Ø  This method is less costly
                           Bilingual method needs little equipment and is suited to all types of schools in rural and urban. So, this method is less costly than any other method of teaching.

Ø This method suits an average teacher
                                 Since, the teachers find easy to convey meaning of words and phrases in student’s mother tongue, even an average teacher can teach successfully through this method.

                                        The demerits or limitations of bilingual method of teaching are as follows;
v May create muddle
                              Many teachers are not well versed with the features of student’s mother tongue and the foreign language. They are likely to create a muddle.

v May confuse the students
                              A contrast between the features of two languages, i.e. English and mother tongue is likely to confuse the students.

v May degenerate into translation method
                               If the English teacher fails to handle bilingual method properly, it may degenerate into translation method.

v Not useful to higher secondary stage
                               Bilingual method of teaching is useful to the lower secondary stage. Direct method is always convenient for higher secondary stage as they get more chance for learning vocabulary.

                            Bilingual method is a midway approach between the grammar translation method and the bilingual method. In bilingual method, mother tongue is used only when necessary. Bilingual method of teaching is an improvement upon translation method and direct method. This method is commonly used in rural and urban Indian schools.


1.      Khatri, P.P. (2012).  Teaching of English. Ludhiana : Tandon Publications.

2.      Sharma, R.A. (2007). Teaching of English. Meerut : R. Lal Book Depot.

3.      Bhatia, K. (2005). Teaching of English: Methodology and contents. Ludhiana : Tandon Publications.

4.      Thangasamy, K. (2016). Pedagogy Of English. Chennai: Vinoth Publications.

5.      Retrieved from,
                           https ://


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